The concept of ecosystem disservices (EDS) has received much less attention than the concept of ecosys-tem services (ES). Using an expert-based matrix approach, we assessed the capacity of ecosystem types ofthe Scarpe-Escaut Regional Natural Park (France) to both provide ES and generate EDS. The matrix is alook-up table that provide for each ecosystem types a score expressing its ES capacity. Our results pointto a lower capacity of the considered ecosystems to provide EDS than ES. On average the EDS scores were60% lower than the ES scores. Of EDS, those linked to human health are the most critical, with highercapacity scores and higher expert’ confidence scores than other EDS than those linked with economicor ecological impacts. We analysed correlations between ES and EDS, the presence of strong and signif-icant positive correlations suggests that the same ecosystem characteristics, ecological functions or spe-cies groups may generate both ES and EDS. We emphasise that it is important to evaluate both EDS and ESto implement management of the ecosystems, while respecting the functioning of the ecosystems, todevelop positive effects while limiting negative ones.