We study the impact of the closing of the Wilson Bridge (in the French city of Tours) to cars between August 13, 2020 and May 24, 2021 on bicycle ridership. We have daily data from bicycle counters between June 2, 2016 and May 24, 2021, as well as calendar, climate and COVID-related control variables. We argue that calculations based on average bicycle ridership comparisons tend to significantly overestimate the effect of closing the Wilson Bridge to cars (a 20% increase when comparing one specific month before and after the closing). Indeed, the increasing trend in bicycle use and growing environmental awareness are very strong confounding factors. Using an interrupted time series analysis, we find that this closure would be associated with a 7.66% (CI95%: +0.8%; +14.8%) increase in bicycle traffic. We performed several robustness tests and falsification tests that allowed us to confirm that there was indeed an increase in bicycle traffic. We believe it is important to conduct this type of study, especially when there are multiple exogenous shocks. Finally, we highlight some limitations of our methodology. In particular, because of the data used, it is impossible to clearly separate the effect attributable to a specific development from the totality of bicycle developments made during the COVID pandemic. One should stay particularly cautious with the results of the present study.
Nous étudions, pour la ville de Tours, l’impact de la fermeture du Pont Wilson aux voitures entre le 13 août 2020 et le 24 mai 2021 sur la fréquentation du pont par les vélos. Nous disposons de données quotidiennes de compteurs vélos entre le 2 juin 2016 et le 24 mai 2021, de variables de contrôles calendaires, climatiques et sanitaires. En recourant à la méthode des séries temporelles segmentées, nous trouvons que cette fermeture est associée à une hausse de 7,66 % (IC95 % : +0,8 % ; +14,8 %) du trafic cycliste. En raison de certaines limites inhérentes à nos données (e.g., changements de compteurs vélos, aménagements cyclistes transitoires dans la ville de Tours), il semble toutefois difficile d’imputer la totalité de l’effet obtenu à la fermeture du Pont Wilson.
Plus de voiture pour davantage de vélo ? Une étude sur la ville de Tours
28 July 2022