CEE-M member is guest editor of Games special issue

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  • CEE-M member is guest editor of Games special issue
26 June 2020

Dr. Yukihiko Funaki and and Marc Willinger, CEE-M member and professor at University of Montpellier, will be the guest editors, of a special issue of Games review, dedicated to Behavioral Coalition Formation: Theory and Experiments.

You may submit your article for this special issue before the 15th of February 2021.

See the message from the Guest Editors enclosed below:

“Both cooperative game theory and non-cooperative game theory offer a wide variety of approaches to the question of coalition formation. Over the last few decades, coalition formation theories have been applied to many important economic issues such as the formation of economic unions, the governance of global public goods and the stability of political parties. However, empirical evidence on the coexistence of small and large groups, instead of a grand Pareto-superior coalition, challenged the theoretical framework. Advances in cooperative and in noncooperative game theory have provided new insights in coalition formation with heterogeneous groups at equilibrium. Yet many aspects of the process of coalition formation are not well understood. Progress in experimental design and behavioral modelling can shed new light on the roots of the formation and stability of coalitions. In this Special Issue, we wish to gather recent contributions, either theoretical or experimental, on the issue of coalition formation with a special focus on behavioral approaches

More details here