8th WORKSHOP on Environmental and Natural Resources Conservation: Theoretical and Empirical Issues
The CEE-M annual workshop on the economics of the environment and natural resources is back in 2024.
It will take place on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 September 2024 in Montpellier at theSaint Charles site 2(Université Paul Valéry – MSH).
The workshop aims to encourage interaction between researchers working on the economics of the environment and natural resources and brings together around ten guest speakers using theoretical and empirical approaches.
The keynote speakers will be Sjak Smulders (Tilburg University) and Joshua Graff Zivin (University of California San Diego).
We are delighted to welcome eight guest speakers :
- Jérémy Laurent-Lucchetti (U Genève)
- Antoine Dechezleprêtre (OCDE)
- Kathrine Von Graevenitz (ZEW)
- Thomas Douenne (VU Amsterdam)
- Ludovica Gazze (U Warwick)
- Sylvain Chabe-Ferret (TSE)
- Fanny Henriet (AMSE)
- Lutz Sager (Georgetown U & ESSEC)
Download the definitive program >>>
Contact: Emmanuelle Lavaine et Francesco Ricci