The FAST project coordinated by Julie Subervie, CEE-M member and Research Professor at INRAE, obtained 3 million euros funding over a 6-year period from the ANR as part of the “Cultiver Protéger Autrement” national priority research program.
The FAST project aims at providing sound theory and empirical evidence about the effectiveness of a variety of public actions designed to trigger a large-scale transition to pesticide-free agriculture, and atassessing the socio-economic consequences of such a drastic change. The general objective of the project is to propose practical solution that are directly implementable by public decision-makers an stakeholders, and which efficiency will be assessed by the mostadvanced techniques including lab and field experiments, action research approaches, , and the use of large-scale simulation models. The consortium includes more than 70 researchers, from 16 different units, including: Economie Publique, Aliss, Sadapt, Gael, Smart-Lereco, Cecoji and ODR.