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34960 MONTPELLIER Cedex 2
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La gouvernance des sites Natura 2000 en mer : entre procédures normatives et inventions locales, plaidoyer pour un bricolage institutionnel

Non-indigenous species and ecological degradations in Marinas: Perceptions and willingness to pay for improvements

Retour sur la co-construction de stratégies de recomposition spatiale. Le cas de l’Occitanie (France)

A practical and pragmatic way to assess deeper motivations for ecosystems preservation in developing country -The case of Banc d'Arguin National Park (Mauritania)

Perceptions of ecosystem services and bonds with nature: the case of fish-farming ponds in France

Focus CEE-M

Opening the way to trajectories of adaptation of coastal territories to sea level rise
Focus article by Hélène Rey-Valette about the article "Paving the way to coastal adaptation pathways: An interdisciplinary approach based on territorial archetypes", published in Environmental Science and Policy.