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  • Sustainable Development
  • Environmental Economics
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  • 1984
Office UFR Economie
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Contribution of perceptions to the acceptability of adaptation tools to sea level rise

Bazart Cécile,  Blayac Thierry,  Rey-Valette Helene
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Climate Policy
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Valuation of ecosystem services and social choice: the impact of deliberation in the context of two different aggregation rules

Sy Mariam Maki, Figuières Charles, Rey-Valette Hélène, Howarth Richard, de Wit Rutger
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Social Choice and Welfare
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Non-indigenous species and ecological degradations in Marinas: Perceptions and willingness to pay for improvements

Blayac ThierryCourtois Pierre, Sevaux Lucille, Rey-Valette Hélène, Page Anais, Lautrédou-Audouy NicoleSalles Jean-Michel, Viard Frédérique
Marine Policy
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Retour sur la co-construction de stratégies de recomposition spatiale. Le cas de l’Occitanie (France)

Rey-Valette Hélène, Richard Alexandre, Michel Laura, Richard-Ferroudji Audrey, Heurtefeux Hugues, Lecha Victor, Barral Marc, Cabrit Amandine, Netter Sarah, Lanzellotti Provence
VertigO : La Revue Électronique en Sciences de l'Environnement
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A practical and pragmatic way to assess deeper motivations for ecosystems preservation in developing country -The case of Banc d'Arguin National Park (Mauritania)

Abdel Hamid Mohamed Lemine, Blayac ThierrySalles Jean-Michel, Failler Pierre, Rey-Valette Hélène
Environmental Development
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Focus CEE-M

Focus CEE-M
11 December 2022

Opening the way to trajectories of adaptation of coastal territories to sea level rise

Focus article by Hélène Rey-Valette about the article "Paving the way to coastal adaptation pathways: An interdisciplinary approach based on territorial archetypes", published in Environmental Science and Policy.