The CEE-M PhD Lunch Talk is a monthly webinar organized by and for Ph.D. students in environmental and behavioural economics. The aim of this seminar is to provide a friendly academic environment in which Ph.D. students can present and freely exchange about their work, improve their communication skills, and of course, socialize with other Ph.D. students.
This year the CEE-M Lunch Talks has opened up space for Ph.D. students in economics from all over the world.
The seminar is held online once a month at lunchtime.
Contacts: Gabriela Demarchi and Yujiang Sun
Twiter account: https://twitter.com/CEEM_lunchtalks
Next session :
- 24/03/2021 – 12h00 – Julia Naime (Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), will present : “Enforcement and inequality in collective payments for tropical forest conservation”