CEE-M Behavioral and Experimental Economics Seminar – Automn 2022 : program

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  • CEE-M Behavioral and Experimental Economics Seminar – Automn 2022 : program
12 September 2022

The CEE-M Behavioral and Experimental Economics Seminar is coming back for the season 2022-2023.

You can now, consult automn 2022 ‘s program :

15 septembre 2022

  • Egon Tripodi (University of Essex) : “Social Recognition: Experimental Evidence from Blood Donors

20 octobre 2022

  • Marie Brière (Université Libre de Bruxelles) : “Altruism or Self-Interest? ESG and Participation in Employee Share Plans

3 novembre 2022

  • Vojtech Bartos (University of Milan) : “Racial Discrimination in Seeking Advice”

10 novembre 2022

  • Vanessa Valero (Loughborough University) : “On the relative deservingness of capital and labor

24 novembre 2022

  • Kai Barron (Berlin School of Economics) : TBA

1er décembre 2022

  • Uyanga Turmunkh (IÉSEG School of Management) : TBA

8 décembre 2022

  • Boris van Leeuwen (Tilburg University.) : TBA

Location and timing: The seminars take place on thursday, from 2:00 to 3:30 pm, at University of Faculty of Economics/ UFR Economie, Avenue Raymond Dugrand 34000 Montpellier. However, some sessions may be held by videoconference.

To be informed about the content of the seminar, you can subscribe to the mailing list by contacting cee-m- :

Contacts : Marc Willinger and Dimitri Dubois and " target="_blank" rel="noopener">Rustam Romaniuc

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