Categories for The Conversation


Article written by Thierry Blayac in The Conversation

New article by  Thierry Balyac from CEE-M, published in The Conversation. 2013 saw the launch of Ouigo, the low-cost alternative to the classic TGV. Intended to revive interest in trains, it also created new competition for the TGV, now known as inOui. What impact will this new competitor have on the rail market? Article by  Florent Laroche (université […]


Article written by Lisette Ibanez et Simon Mathex in The Conversation : “« “Ecologist, yes but”: these little arrangements with our consciences”

New article by  Lisette Ibanez et Simon Mathex from CEE-M, published in The Conversation. Many of us are aware that adopting greener lifestyles has become a necessity. However, we don’t act in an ecologically virtuous way in all circumstances, and, above all, we sometimes unconsciously allow ourselves ‘lapses’ after having done something good for the […]


Great Green Wall : a new article of CEE-M member published by The Conversation

A new article co-authored by Antoine Leblois (CEE-M) and Pauline Castaing (World Bank) has just been published in The Conversation website: The Great Green Wall, a bulwark against food insecurity? (in french : “Grâce à la Grande muraille verte, une meilleure qualité de vie dans le Sahel ?” ) While large-scale impact assessments are still […]


A new article of CEE-M member published by The Conversation

A new article co-authored by Antoine Leblois (member of the CEE-M), Philippe Delacote (BETA) and Giulia Vaglietti (BETA)  has just been published on The Conversation website : How droughts affect deforestation ? (Comment les sécheresses influent sur la déforestation ?) This article, in french, details the nature of the significant impacts of extreme weather events, […]


Two new articles of CEE-M members posted in The Conversation

The Conversation have posted two articles of CEE-M members : Mahenc, P. (2020). Le prix n’est pas forcément un signal de qualité des produits. The Conversation. Blayac, T., Ventelou, B., Dubois, D., Nguyen-Van, P., Willinger, M., & Duchêne, S. (2020). Covid : ces mesures sanitaires que les Français sont prêts à accepter. The Conversation. This […]