Categories for The Conversation


Article written by Lisette Ibanez et Simon Mathex in The Conversation : “« “Ecologist, yes but”: these little arrangements with our consciences”

New article by  Lisette Ibanez et Simon Mathex from CEE-M, published in The Conversation. Many of us are aware that adopting greener lifestyles has become a necessity. However, we don’t act in an ecologically virtuous way in all circumstances, and, above all, we sometimes unconsciously allow ourselves ‘lapses’ after having done something good for the […]


Great Green Wall : a new article of CEE-M member published by The Conversation

A new article co-authored by Antoine Leblois (CEE-M) and Pauline Castaing (World Bank) has just been published in The Conversation website: The Great Green Wall, a bulwark against food insecurity? (in french : “Grâce à la Grande muraille verte, une meilleure qualité de vie dans le Sahel ?” ) While large-scale impact assessments are still […]


A new article of CEE-M member published by The Conversation

A new article co-authored by Antoine Leblois (member of the CEE-M), Philippe Delacote (BETA) and Giulia Vaglietti (BETA)  has just been published on The Conversation website : How droughts affect deforestation ? (Comment les sécheresses influent sur la déforestation ?) This article, in french, details the nature of the significant impacts of extreme weather events, […]


Two new articles of CEE-M members posted in The Conversation

The Conversation have posted two articles of CEE-M members : Mahenc, P. (2020). Le prix n’est pas forcément un signal de qualité des produits. The Conversation. Blayac, T., Ventelou, B., Dubois, D., Nguyen-Van, P., Willinger, M., & Duchêne, S. (2020). Covid : ces mesures sanitaires que les Français sont prêts à accepter. The Conversation. This […]