Podcasts to discover the activity of two CEE-M members

7 April 2023

The communication service of the University of Montpellier has just opened a podcast channel, Lum Lu, that provides an audio version in French of some articles published in the Lum magazine.

The article “Quand la mer monte” (“When the sea rises“), published in the December 2022 issue, includes a contribution from Hélène Rey-Valette on the rise of sea level

Listen to the podcast (in french) >>>

 In its a posdcast serie “Story“, the daily newspaper “Les Echos” questions whether Agriculture : la France peut-elle se passer de la PAC ?” (“France can do without the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)?”).

Sophie Thoyer presents her recent work co-written with Pauline Lecole and published in the Cahiers français entitled “What assessment should be made of the CAP?”.

Listen to the podcast (in french)  >>>