Categories for General public


The CEE-M in Primary School: Focus on the “Educational Gardens” Project

Three members of the CEE-M are involved in this action research conducted jointly with the NGO WWF France and Eval-Lab, which constitutes the first national study on educational gardens in primary schools. To learn more about this project and educational gardens, two testimonies are presented: that of Simon Briole, economist at CEE-M, holder of the junior […]


CEE-M takes part in the “Festival of Science 2024

« Océan de savoir« is the national theme of this year “Festival of Science” event. CEE-M will offer various presentations in different venues : Village des sciences de Montpellier, at the Faculté d’Éducation de Montpellier, on october 5 and 6, 2024. Find out more >>> Festival des Sciences at Parc De Lunaret,  on october 12, […]


Article written by Lisette Ibanez et Simon Mathex in The Conversation : “« “Ecologist, yes but”: these little arrangements with our consciences”

New article by  Lisette Ibanez et Simon Mathex from CEE-M, published in The Conversation. Many of us are aware that adopting greener lifestyles has become a necessity. However, we don’t act in an ecologically virtuous way in all circumstances, and, above all, we sometimes unconsciously allow ourselves ‘lapses’ after having done something good for the […]


Agricultural crisis : Interview of Sophie Thoyer on two French media

Directrice de recherche au CEE-M en économie agricole, spécialiste de la PAC, Sophie Thoyer is Research Director in Agricultural Economics at the CEE-M and a specialist in the CAP. She was invited by RCF Radio and the BSmart channel to explain the causes of this winter’s agricultural crisis. “Reforming agriculture: a challenge for society as a […]


A look back at the CEE-M’s participation in the “Fête de la Science

CEE-M members took part on the 7th , 8th  and 14th of October 2023 in the “Fête de la Science” in Montpellier and Dijon, organised this year on the theme of “Sports and Science”.The “Fête de la Science” is a national event organised each year by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research to […]


Le Monde published an article co-authored by CEE-M members

On Sunday 3 December 2023, Le Monde published an article co-authored by Dimitri Dubois (Research Engineer at the CNRS and member of the CEE-M) and Rustam Romaniuc (Professor at Montpellier Business School and associate researcher at the CEE-M): “There is no evidence of the impact of climate awareness training on behaviour“: “In an article published […]

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