The Center for Environmental Economics - Montpellier (CEE-M) is a research group working on environmental economics and behavioral economics. It is affiliated with the CNRS, INRAE, Institut Agro and the University of Montpellier and is located on two sites: the INRAE-SupAgro campus and the Richter campus.

News And Events
News & Events

New arrival at CEE-M
Pauline Leveneur …joins the CEE-M on a two-year post-doctoral contract. Project : Pauline will be […]
Special Issue of Annals of Economics and Statistics coordinated by Francesco Ricci
The journal Annnals of Economics and Statistics has just published a special Issue coordinated by […]
New arrival at CEE-M
A new post-doc join CEE-M : Camille Salesse Project topict : Camille will be working […]
Internship in experimental /environmental economics
CEE-M is looking for a Internship in experimental /environmental economics (level 1st or 2nd year […]

Who we are
There are over sixty CEE-M members, including approximately thirty faculty members, fifteen staff members and twenty Ph.D students. Members are located in the INRA-Supagro campus and in the University of Montpellier at Richter.
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What we do

Our work is structured
around four main activities
CEE-M’s researches are structured around four main activities. Research works use a mix of theory, empirics, and experiments and often rely on interdisciplinary collaborations in ecology, phyto-pathology, psychology,... One of the goals is to provide policy recommendations to address current major environmental challenges.

Where we are
Where to find us

Institut Agro Montpellier - INRAE
Bâtiment 262 place Pierre Viala
UFR Economie
Avenue Raymond DugrandCS79606
34960 MONTPELLIER Cedex 2

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