News archives

Organised Event
18 July 2024

Save the date : 8th CEE-M workshop “Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation : Theoretical and Empirical Issues”

The CEE-M annual workshop on the economics of the environment and natural resources is back in 2024. It will take place on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 September 2024 in Montpellier, at the […]

CEE-M life Project Videos
16 July 2024

Sustainable transition to clean cooking energy in the Democratic Republic of Congo: one of CEE-M projects

In May 2024, the first summit on modernising cooking methods in Africa took place in Paris. This summit is not just anecdotal; not using wood to cook food would have […]

CEE-M life Project
16 July 2024

The CEE-M in Primary School: Focus on the “Educational Gardens” Project

Three members of the CEE-M are involved in this action research conducted jointly with the NGO WWF France and Eval-Lab, which constitutes the first national study on educational gardens in primary […]

Focus CEE-M
15 July 2024

Smart Water Meter : How to Encourage Farmers to Adopt Them?

Smart Water Meter Adoption appears to be an opportunity to better manage water use in agriculture, but what incentives can be put in place to encourage their adoption? An article to be published in the Conversation and a video to discover the results of research published in the ‘European Review of Agricultural Economics’.

CEE-M life
10 July 2024

CEE-M takes part in the “Festival of Science 2024

« Océan de savoir« is the national theme of this year “Festival of Science” event. CEE-M will offer various presentations in different venues : Village des sciences de Montpellier, at […]

Organised Event
4 July 2024

Workshop on AI in research organised by the CEE-M

on 9 July from 9.30am to 4.30pm at the Faculty of Economics on the Richter campus (Amphi 319). Objectives of the Workshop : To discuss the use of AI as […]

Job offers
12 June 2024

We’re Hiring : research engineer in data production, processing and analysis

The Centre for Environmental Economics – Montpellier (CEE-M) is hiring for an engineer to produce, process and analyse data and surveys (fixed-term contract, 12 months). Profile : aware of the […]

New member
7 June 2024

New arrival at CEE-M

A new post-doc join CEE-M  : Pierre Chiaverina Project topict : Design of agrienvironmental contracts through choice experiments, in part of an interdisciplinary research project (ReCROP) in collaboration with ecologists, […]

The Conversation
27 May 2024

Article written by Lisette Ibanez et Simon Mathex in The Conversation : “« “Ecologist, yes but”: these little arrangements with our consciences”

New article by  Lisette Ibanez et Simon Mathex from CEE-M, published in The Conversation. Many of us are aware that adopting greener lifestyles has become a necessity. However, we don’t […]

Organised Event
21 May 2024

First Workshop CEE-M – Xiamen University School of Economics

The Xiamen University School of Economics (Xiamen, China) and the Center for Environmental Economics of Montpellier (Montpellier, France) agreed to launch a collaboration program on common research themes at the […]

Organised Event
6 May 2024

Fast project : Annual Meeting 2024

The FAST research project, funded by the ANR as part of the “Cultivating and protecting differently” priority research programme and coordinated by Jule Subervie from CEE-M, is organising its annual […]

3 May 2024

Research-action with CEE-M: call for expressions of interest launched as part of the “Potagers pédagogiques” project

The CEE-M is a stakeholder in the “Pedagogical vegetable gardens” project, run jointly with the NGO WWF France and Eval-Lab (an organisation specialising in impact assessment). It aims at assessing […]

New member
25 April 2024

News arrivals at CEE-M

A new PhD students join CEE-M  : Lucien Luthon Supervision: Sophie Thoyer (CEE-M). Thesis topic: CAP simplification and behavioral analysis: application to the French National Strategic Plan A new engineer joins […]

Press and media
2 April 2024

Agricultural crisis : Interview of Sophie Thoyer on two French media

Directrice de recherche au CEE-M en économie agricole, spécialiste de la PAC, Sophie Thoyer is Research Director in Agricultural Economics at the CEE-M and a specialist in the CAP. She was […]

The Conversation
The Conversation
15 March 2024

Article written by Simon Mathex in The Conversation: “Can we promote wood heating in the name of the environment?

Written by Simon Mathex  (PhD student at CEE-M), ar (doctorant au CEE-M), and published in The Conversation (french edition). This method of heating is viewed positevely (enjoys a good image): wood heating […]

Organised Event
21 December 2023

CEE-M Seminars: winter and spring 2024 program

The three CEE-M seminars schedule for winter / spring 2024 : CEE-M Seminar : February, 8th 2024 : Elise Huillery (Paris -Dauphine PSL) March, 7th 2024 : Olivier Deschenes (University of […]

Focus CEE-M
20 December 2023

In what ways practicing competitive sport can reduce gender inequality?

Article of Marc Willinger (CEE-M), is about scientific article co-authored with Dimitri Dubois (CEE-M, CNRS) and Sabrina Bravaccini, and published in the Journal of Sports Economics.

CEE-M life
19 December 2023

A look back at the CEE-M’s participation in the “Fête de la Science

CEE-M members took part on the 7th , 8th  and 14th of October 2023 in the “Fête de la Science” in Montpellier and Dijon, organised this year on the theme […]

The Conversation
18 December 2023

« Miss France, a maths ambassador for girls? » a new article of CEE-M member published by The Conversation

Could a Miss France studying mathematics be a role model for young girls and encourage them to invest in a field of study that they are currently abandoning en masse? […]

Press and media
8 December 2023

“COP28 : le mirage des crédits carbone forestiers” contribution du CEE-M dans Le Point

COP28: the mirage of forest carbon credits “”Tropical forest countries are pleading for the payment of financial rents based on the mere fact of having forests on their territory”. Sébastien […]

Press and media
4 December 2023

Le Monde published an article co-authored by CEE-M members

On Sunday 3 December 2023, Le Monde published an article co-authored by Dimitri Dubois (Research Engineer at the CNRS and member of the CEE-M) and Rustam Romaniuc (Professor at Montpellier […]

Press and media
1 December 2023

“Migrating when the islands die” a CEE-M’s contribution published in Dialogues Économiques

“Migrating when the islands die” published in Dialogues Économiques reviews the article co-authored by Fabien Prieur (CEE-M), Lesly Cassin (AMSE) and Paolo Melindi-Ghidi (AMSE), published in the journal Resource and Energy […]

Organised Event
30 November 2023

Call for Winter School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory, supported by the CEE-M

The call for application for the Seventeenth Doctorate Winter School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory (IT17) on “Inequality and Big Challenges”, supported by the CEE-M, is available. Download the call […]

Organised Event
29 November 2023

Workshop ANR group : “in-group favoritism in intergroup conflicts” event organised by CEE-M and Toulouse School of Economics

The workshop ANR GROUP : “In-group favoritism in intergroup conflicts” will take place on 11 and 12 December 2023 in Montpellier at the Montpellier Faculty of Economics of Montpellier university. […]

Podcasts Press and media
28 November 2023

The challenge of reconciling the economy with ecology : Luc Doyen’s intervention in Le Monde’s podcast

Luc Doyen , member of CEE-M and research director at CNRS, is one of three guests on Le Monde’s podcast “La Fabrique du savoir“, written and hosted by Joséfa Lopez. […]

Job offers
17 November 2023

Three postdoc positions in Applied Microeconomics

The Center for Environmental Economics Montpellier is opening three post-doc positions. Applicants should have a strong background in applied microeconomics, including handling and analyzing large datasets and collecting data. Applicants […]

New member
10 November 2023

CEE-M new Phd students

Six new PhD students join CEE-M and start their first year of thesis. Alban Cornier Supervision: Douadia Bougherara (CEE-M) and Sophie Thoyer (CEE-M). .Thesis topic: Role of behavioral factors in […]

New member
25 October 2023

Three post docs join the CEE-M

Three new post-docs join the CEE-M in autumn 2023: Simon Varaine : Simon obtained his PhD in political science in 2020, at Science Po Grenoble (UMR Pacte). He worked as […]

New member
24 October 2023

Simon Briole, recruited as Junior Professor Chair at Montpellier University, joins the CEE-M

Congratulations to Simon Briole, a postdoctoral researcher at CEE-M, who has just been appointed to the UM Junior Professor Chair on the theme ‘Economics of Climate Change and Human Health.’ […]

CEE-M life
5 October 2023

Fête de la Science 2023: discover behavioral sciences with CEE-M

For the 2023 edition of the Fête de la Science in Montpellier le CEE-M will be hosting a stand, “Are you experienced?”, dedicated to behavioral economics. Moral dilemmas, nudges, moral […]

Organised Event
5 September 2023

September 7 and 8, 2023 >>> 10th annual FAERE conference organized by CEE-M

On September 7 and 8, 2023, CEE-M is pleased to host the 13th annual conference of FAERE (French Association of Environmental and Resources Economists). Everything is in place to welcome […]

New member
4 September 2023

CEE-M : new member

CEE-M is pleased to announce that Arnaud Tognetti, CNRS research fellow in the interdisciplinary section, joint our research unit. Arnaud works focuses on the evolutionary and psychological mechanisms underlying human cooperation and […]

Job offers
4 July 2023

PhD position opportunity

The Center of Environmental Economics -Montpellier (CEE-M), is offering a PhD contract in economics: “The role of behavioral factors in the adoption and diffusion of digital innovations among farmers”. The […]

CEE-M life
4 July 2023

CEE-M takes part in the “Festival of Science 2023

In the framework of the annual national event “Fête de la Science”, the CEE-M will hold a stand entitled “Are You Experienced? Sport et Economie Comportementale“. It aims at providing […]

Focus CEE-M
4 July 2023

What can be expected from mergers after deregulation? The case of the long-distance bus industry in France

Focus article by Thierry Blayac about the article « What can be expected from mergers after deregulation ? The case of the long-distance bus industry in France», published in Review of Industrial Organization.

3 July 2023

Listen to the CEE-M podcast on behavioral biases

Lisette Ibanez, Director of Research at INRAE and member of the CEE-M, took part in the Sani’Terre, podcast entitled “Environnement et animaux : nos relations et biais comportementaux” (Environment and […]

Job offers
20 June 2023

Post-doc position : Value of information, digitalization of agriculture and pesticide use

The Center of Environmental Economics at Montpellier (CEE-M), France, is looking for a post-doc researcher in economics, for a one-year appointment, under an INRAE contract. The post-doc research will be […]

Organised Event
19 June 2023

CEE-M Seminars: Fall 2023 program

The three CEE-M seminars are back for 2023-2024. Here’s the fall 2023 schedule for the various seminars : CEE-M Seminar : September 28th, 2023 : Michelle M. Marcus (Vanderbilt University) […]

Focus CEE-M
12 June 2023

Does virtual exposure to nature influence pro-environmental behavior?

Focus article by Lisette Ibanez and Sébastien Roussel about the article "The impact of nature video exposure on pro-environmental behavior: An experimental investigation", published in PLoS ONE.

The Conversation
7 June 2023

Great Green Wall : a new article of CEE-M member published by The Conversation

A new article co-authored by Antoine Leblois (CEE-M) and Pauline Castaing (World Bank) has just been published in The Conversation website: The Great Green Wall, a bulwark against food insecurity? […]

Organised Event
31 May 2023

A look back at the 13th annual conference of the Association Française d’Économie Expérimentale (ASFEE) organized by CEE-M

The CEE-M had the pleasure of hosting the 13th annual conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE) on May 25th and 26th on the Richter campus. This event […]

22 May 2023

The CEE-M Research Centre calculates its carbon footprint

In order to act on its carbon footprint, the CEE-M research centre has decided to carry out an environmental assessment of its activities. This project is conducted jointly with the […]

7 April 2023

Podcasts to discover the activity of two CEE-M members

The communication service of the University of Montpellier has just opened a podcast channel, Lum Lu, that provides an audio version in French of some articles published in the Lum […]

The Conversation
21 March 2023

A new article of CEE-M member published by The Conversation

A new article co-authored by Antoine Leblois (member of the CEE-M), Philippe Delacote (BETA) and Giulia Vaglietti (BETA)  has just been published on The Conversation website : How droughts affect […]

Organised Event
3 March 2023

Call for papers of the 10th annual conférence of the French Association of Environmental and Resources Economics : extended deadline

The call for papers of the 10th annual conference of the French Association of Environmental and Resources Economics (FAERE), organized by CEE-M on september 7th and 8th 2023 in Montpellier, is open (see […]

27 January 2023

Vidéo : « Farmers’ risk preferences in 11 European farming systems : A multi-country replication of Bocquého et al.”

This video produced by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) sheds light on  the study supported by the REECAP network (Research Network on Economic Experiments for the Common Agricultural Policy) […]

New member
16 January 2023

Sébastien Desbureaux : titulaire de la chaire de professeur junior INRAE

Sébastien Desbureaux, post-doctorant au CEE-M, à bénéficié d’une nouvelle voie de recrutement à INRAE : la chaire de professeur junior INRAE, qui un contrat de pré-titularisation d’une durée de trois […]

Organised Event
11 January 2023

CEE-M supports the first `Days MESSH’

The first`Days MESSH’ constitute an international and interdisciplinary scientific event devoted to the `Mathematics for bio-Economics and Sustainability of fiSHeries‘. It will be held on January 2023 in Sète at […]

Press and media
11 January 2023

Interview of Sophie Thoyer on the new Common Agriculture Policy

Sophie Thoyer,  research professor at CEEM,  gave an interview (in French) on France Culture radio on 2 January regarding the new CAP which has come into force on 1 January 2023. […]

Focus CEE-M
21 December 2022

What flat-rate aid for small French farms?

Focus article by Pauline Lécole, Raphaële Préget and Sophie Thoyer on their article "Designing an effective small farmers scheme in France", published in Ecological Economics.

Visiting Professor
16 December 2022

Visiting Professor at CEE-M : Ingmar Schumacher

Ingmar Schumacher, Professor of Environmental Economics at l’IPAG Paris, will visit CEE-M from 20th december to 23th december 2022. His main fields of research are environmental economics, with emphasis on […]

Focus CEE-M
11 December 2022

Opening the way to trajectories of adaptation of coastal territories to sea level rise

Focus article by Hélène Rey-Valette about the article "Paving the way to coastal adaptation pathways: An interdisciplinary approach based on territorial archetypes", published in Environmental Science and Policy.

Organised Event
9 December 2022

10th annual conference of the French Association of Environmental and Economics organised by CEE-M

The CEE-M will organise the 10th annual conference of the French Association of Environmental and Resources Economics (FAERE) :   September 7th and 8th, 2023 in Montpellier – Save the […]

Organised Event
9 December 2022

2nd CEE-M Doctoral Students’ Day

After a first session organised in 2021, the CEE-M is organising this winter the second edition of the “CEEE-M PhD students’ days”. The aim of these days is to allow […]

Organised Event
5 December 2022

The 13th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE) organized by CEE-M

The 13th International Conference of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE) will be held in Montpellier on May 25-26, 2023. It is organized by the Center for Environmental Economics […]

Visiting Professor
29 November 2022

Visiting Professor at CEE-M

Corrado Di Maria, Professor of Environmental & Natural Resource Economics, School of Economics, University of East Anglia will visit CEE-M for one week (until the fifeteen december). His main fields of research […]

Job offers
22 November 2022

Post-doc opportunity at the CEE-M: Agriculture adaptation to climate change

In the framework of the ReCROP project (Bioinocula and CROPping systems: an integrated biotechnological approach for improving crop yield, biodiversity and REsilience of Mediterranean agro-ecosystems), the selected post-doctoral fellow will contribute to the […]

Non classé EN
8 November 2022

CEE-M members took part in the INRAE Collective Scientific Expertise

Douadia Bougherara, Pierre Courtois et Sophie Thoyer, members of the CEE-M, took part in the Collective Scientific Expertise (ESCo): “Using plant diversity in agricultural areas to promote natural pest control […]

Press and media
17 October 2022

Marc Willinger, co-author of an article published in Le Monde

Marc Willinger, member of the CEE-M, is the co-author, along with five other researchers, of an article published on 17 October on the Le Monde website, entitled: “Public decision-makers must […]

Awards and prizes
15 October 2022

Academic Palms awarded to Daniel Serra, member of the CEE-M

Congratulations to Daniel for this award in honour of his career dedicated to higher education and research. Daniel Serra set up and managed the research centre LAMETA that later on […]

Focus CEE-M
30 September 2022

Carbon credits and avoided deforestation: real impact or risk of greenwashing?

Focus article by Gwenolé Le Velly, (CEE-M) , Philippe Delacote and Gabriela Simonet about their article "Revisiting the location bias and additionality of REDD + project".

Non classé EN
27 September 2022

Interview of a member of the CEE-M in the magazine Le Point

Hélène Rey-Valette, member of the CEE-M research centre and lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of Montpellier, is interviewed by Caroline Douteau, journalist at Le Point. In this interview, Hélène […]

Focus CEE-M
15 September 2022

High and rising economic costs of biological invasions worldwide

Focus article by Jean Michel Salles about the article “High and rising economic costs of biological invasions worldwide”.

Focus CEE-M
14 September 2022

Evaluating social well-being:

Brice Magdalou's Focus article on his article published in Journal of Economic Theory “A model of social welfare improving transfers”.

Awards and prizes
12 September 2022

The Isaacs Award, from International Society on Dynamic Games, awarded to a member of the CEE-M

Mabel Tidball, research professor at CEE-M, received the Isaacs Award, in recognition of contributions to dynamic games and their applications This prize is awarded every two years by the International […]

Organised Event
12 September 2022

CEE-M Behavioral and Experimental Economics Seminar – Automn 2022 : program

The CEE-M Behavioral and Experimental Economics Seminar is coming back for the season 2022-2023. You can now, consult automn 2022 ‘s program : 15 septembre 2022 Egon Tripodi (University of […]

Organised Event
12 September 2022

CEE-M Environmental Economics Seminar – Automn 2022 : program

The CEE-M environmental Economics Seminar is coming back for the year 2022-2023. You can now, consult automn 2022 ‘s program : 23 septembre 2022 Jean Philippe Boussemart (Université de Lille) […]

Organised Event
12 September 2022

Save the date : 7th CEE-M workshop “Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation : Theoretical and Empirical Issues”

The 7th CEEM workshop on environmental and resource economics will take place on November 7 and 8, 2022 at the MSH SUD – Maison des Sciences de l’Homme  With, as […]

New member
12 September 2022

CEE-M : new member

CEE-M is pleased to announce that Luc Doyen, Research Professor at CNRS joint our research unit. We welcome him ! See the Luc Doyen ORCID page See the Luc Doyen Google […]

Job offers
13 July 2022

Postdoctoral researcher in environmental and agricultural economics :

CEE-M is looking for a post-doc researcher in Economics, with an application to the digitalization of agriculture. The focus of the research is on the adoption and use by farmers […]

Awards and prizes
7 July 2022

World Congress on Natural Modelling Association : Best Student Presentation Award

Claudia Kessall, PhD student at CEE-M, has won the first Best Student Presentation Award at the World Conference on Natural Resource Modelling “Modeliing natural resource management in a changing world”., […]

Awards and prizes
7 July 2022

Young researcher ASFEE 2022 prizes

Kudos to our students, Aude-Marie, Danièle, Noémie and Abilio, who won the ASFEE prize on Friday, July 1st in Lyon during the 12th International Conference of the French Association of […]

Job offers
19 May 2022

Postdoctoral researcher in behavioral and experimental economics : sorting of bio-waste

CEE-M is looking for a specialist with expertise in behavioral economics and experimental economics to join the project PICOLECT (Innovative Policies and Biowaste Collection in Collective Housing) funded by Agropolis Fondation. […]

Organised Event
28 April 2022

CEE-M Spring Experimental Economics Workshop

The CEE-M Spring Experimental Economics Workshop is an  event organized by the CEE-M and MBS (Montpellier Business School). Date: Thursday, May 12, 2022 Time: 9:30am – 3:00pm Place: Salle TBC, […]

General public Podcasts
24 April 2022

A LUM La Science: ecological compensation at the Ambatovy mine in Madagascar, with Sébastien Desbureaux, economist at CEE-M

Scientists from Bangor University in the UK and the Centre for Environmental Economics – Montpellier (CEE-M) have examined the case of the Ambatovy mining site in Madagascar, which claims to be […]

Non classé EN
14 March 2022

A comic book based on research works at CEE-M

This comic book project has been initiated by Climat Social, a project funded by the Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO). It is based on a presentation made by Hélène Rey-Valette on November […]

Job offers
4 March 2022

Internship in environmental / development economics

CEE-M is looking for a Internship in environmental / development economics (level 1st or 2nd year of master). Title: Measuring the impact of coastal ecosystem protection on poverty reduction: a […]

Press and media
27 January 2022

Research at CEE-M in the spotlight

” How do you measure a concept as obscure as biodiversity? Indicators are one way to do so. But the economists Pierre Courtois (research professor at CEE-M), Charles Figuières, and […]

New member
17 January 2022

Associated researchers at CEE-M

CEE-M is pleased to announce that Georgios Kleftodimos has become an associated researcher and that Fabian Battaglini’s affiliation has been renewed. See Georgios Kleftodimos profile. See Fabian Battaglini profile

Visiting Professor
29 November 2021

Visiting Professor at CEE-M

Yukihiko Funaki, Professor of Economics at the School of Political Science and Economics (Waseda University, Tokyo) and Director of the Economic Science Laboratory, will visit CEE-M for oneweek (until the […]

Organised Event
15 November 2021

2021 annual Workshop “Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation : Theoretical and Empirical Issues”

The Annual Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation Workshop is an international two-day event organized by the CEE-M in the fall of the year. The Workshop aims to foster interactions between […]

Press and media
3 June 2021

CEE-M members’ research work in the media

Invited by France Culture to take part in a special session of the “Le Temps du débat” radio programme entitled “Can the new CAP be greener?”, Sophie Thoyer explained how […]

Non classé EN
10 May 2021

Design and evaluation of innovative agri-environmental measures, a guide for fielf actors produced by CEE-M members

This guide is part of the PollDiff Captage collaborative project funded by the Occitanie region and the European Union’s ERDF. It is primarily intended for field actors who wish to […]

15 April 2021

Result dissemination of PollDiff Project

Five CEE-M members were involved in the PollDiff project funded by the “région Occitanie”. The objective of this project was to study how to prevent the risks associated with nitrate […]

Organised Event
11 March 2021

A new event : the CEE-M PhD Lunch Talk

The CEE-M PhD Lunch Talk is a monthly webinar organized by and for Ph.D. students in environmental and behavioural economics. The aim of this seminar is to provide a friendly […]

Job offers
27 January 2021

Postdoctoral researcher in economics / statistics

CEE-M is looking for a specialist with expertise in economics / statistics to join a collaborative and interdisciplinary project entitled “Can marine protected areas alleviate poverty in the context of […]

Job offers
26 January 2021

Postdoctoral researcher in behavioral economics and environmental economics

CEE-M is looking for a specialist with expertise in behavioral economics and natural resource economics to join a collaborative project team consisting of economists and ecological modellers. Funded by a […]

The Conversation
13 January 2021

Two new articles of CEE-M members posted in The Conversation

The Conversation have posted two articles of CEE-M members : Mahenc, P. (2020). Le prix n’est pas forcément un signal de qualité des produits. The Conversation. Blayac, T., Ventelou, B., […]

Non classé EN
11 January 2021

CEE-M members are guest editors of Sustainability special issue – Call for papers

Antoine Leblois and Laetitia Tuffery, CEE-M members and assistant professor at INRAE, will be the guest editors, of a special issue of Sustainability review : Agricultural Economics Meet Environmental Challenges: Innovations […]

11 January 2021

CEE-M got funding for the project ReCROP

Three members of CEE-M are involved in the ReCROP project : Thierry Blayac, Emmanuelle Lavaine and Sébastien Roussel. ReCROP aims to redesign Mediterranean agrosystems through the combined use of biotechnological […]

Organised Event
17 November 2020

CEE-M is involved in the creation of the FETS seminar in Experimental Economics.

Dimitri Dubois research Engineer at CEE-M is  involved in the creation of the FETS (French Experimental TalkS) seminar in Experimental Economics. The objective of this seminar is to bring together […]

13 November 2020

The FAST project is featured in the Montpellier Gazette

Julie Subervie, CEE-M member and research Professor at INRAE,  made the headlines of La Gazette de Montpellier. In this issue an article provides the scope of the FAST project (Facilitating […]

New member
13 November 2020

New PhD students

We are pleased to welcome two new PhD students at CEE-M : Aurélien Lafrogne : Tittle : “The role of green finance for the energy transition: a macroeconomic perspective“ Doctoral […]

Non classé EN
16 October 2020

CEE-M member is guest editor of Sustainability special issue – Call for papers

Sébastien Roussel, CEE-M member and assistant professor at University of Montpellier 3, and Lauriane Mouysset, will be the guest editors, of a special issue of Sustainability review. You may submit your […]

Press and media
16 October 2020

CEE-M in the news

Two newspapers highlight research works by CEE-M members.   In a special issue of La Gazette de Montpellier dedicated to the risk of flooding in Montpellier and published this week, […]

16 September 2020

FAST project selected for funding by the ANR

The FAST project coordinated by Julie Subervie, CEE-M member and Research Professor at INRAE, obtained 3 million euros funding over a 6-year period from the ANR as part of the […]

Podcasts Press and media
19 July 2020

Two radio programmes highlight the research work bey CEE-M members.

Guest by Radio Divegence for the emission ” La Science s’aMuse “

13 July 2020

2020 edition of MUSE call for projects, CEE-M got funding for the project CIBSEEA

Among the winners of the 2020 edition of MUSE call for projects, CEE-M got funding for the project CIBSEEA – The Ciguatoxins : Impacts on Biology, Ecology, Economy and heAlth. CIBSEEA […]

13 July 2020

CEE-M got funding for the project MarEEE – Crossed views on Marine urban habitats: Ecology-Evolution-Economics

Among the winners of the 2020 edition of MUSE call for projects, CEE-M got funding for the project MarEEE – Crossed views on Marine urban habitats: Ecology-Evolution-Economics. MarEEE is an […]

Research news
26 June 2020

CEE-M member is guest editor of Games special issue

Dr. Yukihiko Funaki and and Marc Willinger, CEE-M member and professor at University of Montpellier, will be the guest editors, of a special issue of Games review, dedicated to Behavioral […]

Non classé
16 June 2020

Partnership between CEE-M and Mirova

Partnership agreement has been signed by the University of Montpellier, the Center for Environmental Economics-Montpellier (CEE-M) and Mirova, one of the pioneering firms in green and sustainable finance. This research […]

Non classé
16 June 2020

CONFINOBS Project selected for funding by ANR and Région Occitanie

The “Agence Nationale de la Recherche” (ANR) and the “Région Occitanie” have partnered to fund projects dedicated to research works on COVID-19. Project CONFINOBS “Observance et observation des mesures barrières […]

11 June 2020

Successful application for Muse projet FOREST FOR FOOD for a CEE-M member

MUSE I-SITE seeks to create a world-class university open to many scientific disciplines. The project combines the talents of 19 partner establishments that contribute to distinguishing the actors of scientific […]

Non classé
9 March 2020

CRaMoRes project selected for funding by the 2019 ANR-DFG Call

The collaborative project entitled “Changing risks and mobile common pool resources: Economic analysis of resource-user behavior and policy instruments for sustainability ” (CRaMoRes), has been selected for funding by the […]

Non classé
5 March 2020

Third GREEN-Econ Spring School in Environmental Economics

CEE-M and the Aix-Marseille School of Economics organize the third Spring School in Environmental Economics in the context of the ANR-funded research project GREEN-Econ. This event will take place in […]

Visiting Professor
5 March 2020

Visiting Professor at CEE-M

In march, from 23 to 27 March, Michalis Drouvelis, Professor at University  of Birmingham will visit CEE-M. He will give a talk at the CEE-M Seminar on March 26. To […]

Organised Event
24 February 2020

CEE-M will organize the 8th Workshop On Non-market Valuation – June 29th and 30th 2020, Montpellier

The 8th Workshop On Non-market Valuation will take place in Montpellier on June 29th and 30th 2020 and will be organized by the CEE-M with the support of INRAe and […]

Non classé EN
24 January 2020

CEE-M now on Twitter

CEE-M is now on Twitter starting January 2020 ( Follow us if you want to keep up to date with CEE-M research activities (publications, events, news). See you soon!

11 December 2019

BIOPOLIS Teaming project selected for funding

The BIOPOLIS Teaming project has been selected for funding by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. The project starts in October 2019 for seven years. This international […]

8 November 2019

CEE-M members Lab-in-the-field testing green finance on Finance Professionals

A first team composed of Dimitri Dubois, Sébastien Duchêne and Adrien Nguyen-Huu spent 4 days in October in Casablanca (Morocco) to conduct experiments on Finance Professionals (Traders, Portfolio Managers,…) on […]

Awards and prizes
17 October 2019

New steering committee of the FAERE with two CEE-M members

“Half of the FAERE steering committee was renewed at the last General Assembly during this summer. Julie Subervie and Francesco Ricci have been elected as new members. Julie Subervie is […]

New member
14 October 2019

CEE-M new members

We are pleased to welcome four new CEE-M members: Robert BRAID, assistant professor, more details about Robert here, to contact him, see his CEE-M profile Antoine LEBLOIS, tenured researcher, more […]

Visiting Professor
10 October 2019

Visiting Professor at CEE-M

In october, from 15 to 25 October, Dominique Bianco, Assistant Professor at Université de Bourgogne & LEDi will visit CEE-M. He will give a talk at the Environmental Economics Seminar […]

Organised Event
2 August 2019

2019 annual Workshop “Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation : Theoretical and Empirical Issues”

The Annual Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation Workshop is an international two-day event organized by the CEE-M in the fall of the year. The Workshop aims to foster interactions between […]

19 July 2019

MPA-POVERTY Project, selected for funding by the ANR, call 2019

– The collaborative and interdisciplinary project entitled “Can marine protected areas alleviate poverty in the context of land desertification?” (MPA-POVERTY), has been selected for funding by the ANR, “Appel à […]

Visiting Professor
20 June 2019

Visiting Professor at CEE-M

Michele Graziano Ceddia, Assistant Professor at the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern is visiting the CEEM.   He holds an ERC Consolidator Grant 2016-2021 (2M euros) […]

Awards and prizes
3 June 2019

CEE-M members win the first Alison Burrell Award

Former CEE-M member Philippe Le Coent and CEE-M members Raphaele Préger and Sophie Thoyer won the first Alison Burrell Award for the best paper presented at the 172nd EAAE seminar […]

Visiting Professor
14 May 2019

Visiting Professor at CEE-M

Yukihiko Funaki, Professor of Economics at the School of Political Science and Economics (Waseda University, Tokyo) and Director of the Economic Science Laboratory, will visit CEE-M for two week (until the […]

Visiting Professor
2 April 2019

Visiting Professor at CEE-M

Frederik Noack, Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of British Columbia, will visit CEE-M for a week. His research focuses on the interaction of economic development and the environment. […]

Non classé EN
19 March 2019

Successful application of three CEE-M researchers for the I-SITE MUSE Take Off#2 Educational Innovation call for proposals

Educational innovation project jointly submitted by Sébastien Duchêne, Anne-Sarah Chiambretto and Gwenolé Le Velly has been selected for funding by the selection comittee of the I-SIte MUSE. Project Down By […]

Non classé EN
27 February 2019

Successful application for the Explore#2 international mobility program of the I-SITE MUSE for a CEE-M member

The international mobility project submitted by Thierry Blayac as part of the Explore#2 call of the I-SITE MUSE has been selected. Following the submission of 150 applications, 134 proposals were […]

Organised Event
12 February 2019

Second GREEN-Econ Spring School in Environmental Economics

CEE-M and the Aix-Marseille School of Economics organize the second Spring School in Environmental Economics in the context of the ANR-funded research project GREEN-Econ. This event will take place in […]

Visiting Professor
12 February 2019

Visiting Professor AT CEE-M

David Dickinson, Professor of Economics at the Appalachian State University, will visit CEE-M for a week. His research interests are experimental economics, behavioral economics and labor economics. He will give […]

Non classé EN
14 January 2019

In Memoriam of Our Dear Friend and Colleague, Pierre Cartigny

In memoriam Our colleague Pierre Cartigny passed away last Sunday. He was a member of GREQE, then GREQAM from 1988 to 2010 and has been visiting our research unit in […]

Organised Event
13 December 2018

14th Winter School on Inequality and Collective Welfare Theory (IT14)

The Department of Economics of the University of Verona (Italy), CEE-M (ANR RediPref, France), CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and ifo Institute at University of Munich, Germany), LISER (Luxembourg Institute […]

Non classé EN
21 November 2018

2018 CEE-M general assembly

The 2018 CEE-M general assembly was held on November 6. It was an opportunity to reflect on the activities and events organized during the first year of existence of our […]

Non classé EN
16 October 2018

Guet Ndar selected for funding by Key-Initiative MUSE Sea and Coast

Guet Ndar is a collaborative project including the University of Montpellier (CEE-M, ISEM) and the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris (CREST) in France, and the University Alioune Diop, Bambey, in Senegal. The […]

Non classé EN
15 October 2018

CEE-M member invited by the French Ministry of Ecology

CEE-M member Alexandre Sauquet will give a seminar organized by the General Commission for Sustainable Development at the Ministry of Ecology on October 25, 2018. The topic of the event […]

Non classé EN
15 October 2018

CEE-M member invited by France Stratégie for a seminar on the challenges of impact evaluation

Julie Subervie will participate to a seminar on environmental policies on October 16, 2018, following an invitation by France Stratégie, a think-tank within Prime Minister’s Office. It jointly coordinates a […]

Non classé EN
18 September 2018

CEE-M member invited at REDD+ Expert Roundtable

Following her recent publication at the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Gabriela Simonet, post-doctoral fellow at CEE-M, was invited to a REDD + expert panel during last week BIOECON conference […]

Organised Event
17 September 2018

CEE-M participation at second REECAP Workshop

Raphaële Préget and Sophie Thoyer, are members of the organizing committee of the second Workshop of the Research network on Economic Experiments for the CAP (REECAP), which will be held […]

Non classé EN
13 September 2018

CEE-M Monthly newsletter

Follow us by subscribing to the Monthly CEE-M Newsletter. You will receive the latest news: forthcoming publications, scientific events organized by CEE-M… Just click below on “subscribe”, and then enter […]

screenshot des dossiers agropolis
Non classé EN
27 August 2018

Contribution to the 23rd Agropolis International report

The CEE-M has contributed to the 23rd Agropolis International report, entitled “Complex systems from biology to territories” (June 2018 – 80 pages). This book presents training and research skills on […]

23 August 2018

TYPOCLIM selected for funding by MUSE

The TYPOCLIM project (TYpology and assessment of POlicy instruments to promote agricultural adaptation to CLIMate change) has been selected for funding by the I-SITE MUSE. This collaborative and interdisciplinary project […]

Non classé
27 April 2018

In Memoriam of Our Dear Friend and Colleague, Karine Pellier

Karine passed away on April 6, 2018. She held a PhD from the University of Montpellier, and was CNRS Engineer in our research center. We will miss your kindness. We […]

Non classé EN
24 April 2018

Call for applications for 6 PhD positions

The Center for Environmental Economics of Montpellier is offering several competitive PhD positions. “Competition vs Cooperation between green NGO and International Environmental Agreements” “Equality of opportunity and intergenerational transfers” “Behavioral […]

Organised Event
16 March 2018

Workshop « Measuring the Effects of Forest Policies »

CEE-M and CIFOR will organize a Workshop « Measuring the Effects of Forest Policies » on March 26, 2018 at Montpellier SupAgro / INRA Campus (Bat.26, Room Océanie).   See the event announcement for further information.

Organised Event
20 February 2018

Workshop GREENGO “Environmental NGOs and Public Policy”

CEE-M will organize a Workshop “Environmental NGOs and Public Policy” funded by the research project GREENGO on May 31 – June 01, 2018 at Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (MSH, […]

Organised Event
20 February 2018

SupAgro and CEE-M host the next SFER Conference

Montpellier SupAgro and CEE-M will host the next SFER Conference on June 20-21, 2018. The Conference will be dedicated to agricultural and food policies, see the SFER website for detailed information. This conference […]

Non classé EN
20 February 2018

CEE-M members as guest editors for the European Review of Agricultural Economics

Raphaële Préget and Sophie Thoyer are Guest editors for a special issue of the European Review of Agricultural Economics on “Enriching the CAP evaluation toolbox with experimental approaches“. See the call for […]

Organised Event
20 February 2018

First GREEN-Econ Spring School in Environmental Economics

CEE-M and the Aix-Marseille School of Economics organize the first GREEN-Econ Spring School in Environmental Economics (May 22-25, 2018, Marseille). See the event announcement for detailed information.

Non classé EN
5 February 2018

New Working Papers serie

The CEE-M have the pleasure to present you a new working papers serie, called CEE-M Working Papers. You can see the CEE-M WP available in the working papers’ section (please […]